17 Nineties Memes For The Millennials Craving That Nostalgia

We can never get enough of the ’90s memes, which is probably because many of us are about to hit 30 and we’re longing for the days when we didn’t have to worry about spending a fortune on rent or getting grey hairs. The ’90s were just a simpler time where we could play with …
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30 Adulting Memes And Tweets For Anyone Feeling A Little Geriatric

If you’ve passed the age of 25, then you’ve almost certainly hit that inevitable quarter-life crisis where you start feeling like an old person. Suddenly you have to be in bed by 10 pm every night or else you’ll feel like utter sh*t every morning, and going out seems like the most mundane chore in …
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30 Adulting Memes And Tweets That’ll Trigger Anyone Who’s Starting To Feel A Little Geriatric

If you’ve passed the age of 25, then you’ve almost certainly hit that inevitable quarter-life crisis where you start feeling like an old person. Suddenly you have to be in bed by 10 pm every night or else you’ll feel like utter sh*t every morning, and going out seems like the most mundane chore in …
Seguir leyendo 30 Adulting Memes And Tweets That’ll Trigger Anyone Who’s Starting To Feel A Little Geriatric

Sixteen Relatable Tweets For The Pensive 30-Year-Old

Twitter account @30andTired captures our sentiments about turning 30 pretty perfectly. We’re supposed to have our lives figured out by now, right? Here’s a secret: no one has their life figured out because we’re all just going about making wild guesses about everything and at the end of the day, nothing really matters. Now have …
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Seventeen ’90s Memes For The Millennials Craving That Nostalgia

We can never get enough of the ’90s memes, which is probably because many of us are about to hit 30 and we’re longing for the days when we didn’t have to worry about spending a fortune on rent or getting grey hairs. The ’90s were just a simpler time where we could play with …
Seguir leyendo Seventeen ’90s Memes For The Millennials Craving That Nostalgia