‘The Alhambra in Granada’: Real-Life Travelers Share What Tourist Attractions Are Actually Worth the Hype

Here is your new bucket list. 

30+ Travel Memes for Backpackers and Hostel Warriors

The year after I graduated college was almost completely spent… on the run. I strapped a backpack to my back and set out for the road with 3 pairs of pants and a dream. I scurried from country to country, solo traveling and loving it. I even worked at a hostel for a stint. It …
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A Scholarly Bunch of History Memes For Big Brained Scrolling

It’s almost 2023 and it feels as though we’ve been living in unprecedented times for, well, our whole lives. Maybe I’m just speaking for millennials, but nothing has felt right. Nothing has felt easy. And everything all over the globe feels like a damn mess. That said, we imagine there have been more than several …
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People Share Things That are Weird in America, But Normal in the Rest of the World

The United States is a country that has to do things its own way. I remember in elementary school we had a unit on measuring temperature, and my teacher showed us a map of countries that use Celsius compared with the countries that use Fahrenheit. The only countries that used Fahrenheit at the time were …
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Cómo producir 100 móviles por minuto

Más de 20.000 empleados trabajan allí junto con miles de robots las 24 horas del día para producir 200.000 móviles diarios. Entramos en la planta de Oppo de Dongguan, la ciudad del noroeste de China en la que se fabrica uno de cada cinco de los ‘smartphones’ del mundo.

‘Girl Putting Tuba On Girl’s Head’ Memes Are Really In Your Face

This meme, which features a school girl pointing her tuba’s bell at another girl’s face, is the perfect way to symbolize the things in your life that just won’t shut the hell up. You know, like when your mom won’t stop lecturing you when you’re just trying to tell her a joke, or when that …
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Very Strange And Amusing Posts From North Korea ‘Donimo’s Pizza’

«Donimo’s Pizza» in Pyongyang, North Korea is our favorite new Facebook account run by some seriously dedicated trolls who apparently love clams and pineapple on their pizza. Not to be confused with «Domino’s pizza» in the Unite States, of course. We’ll just let you take a look at the account yourselves because it really needs …
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Tres de cada cuatro móviles ya se fabrican en China

Solo el 30% de españoles tiene intención de comprar un móvil compatible con 5G frente al 70% de chinos

La fiabilidad del reconocimiento facial, en duda

Los nuevos sistemas de seguridad y de pagos electrónicos cada vez son más sofisticados, pero también presentan vulnerabilidades que aumentarán con la computación cuántica.

La censura más efectiva: siete países que se desconectaron de internet para silenciar las críticas

Varios países africanos y asiáticos bloquean el acceso a la Red para evitar que sus ciudadanos se rebelen contra medidas gubernamentales. Se trata de una preocupante tendencia que va en aumento.