‘Our generation has become extremely lazy’: Bully boomer complains about ‘lazy’ work from home-rs, coworker ends him with perfect comeback

Working from home has been one of the greatest inventions of the last half-century. It allows employees so much more flexibility than ever before and keeps people happier at their jobs. But it can be hard for the older generations to swallow. Sure, if you had to wake up at 6 am, put on an uncomfortable suit, …
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‘What did I do to deserve a fat kid?’: Former children share insults their parents said that still stick with them

When you’re a kid, you hang onto your parent’s every word. Unlike a fellow child or a random stranger, the things your parents say to you stick whether you remember exactly what they said or not. If your parents praised you when you succeeded and encouraged you when you failed, you are probably still benefitting …
Seguir leyendo ‘What did I do to deserve a fat kid?’: Former children share insults their parents said that still stick with them

‘Your kid needs a bath like yesterday’: Workers share things they aren’t allowed to tell customers at their job

If you’ve ever worked in retail, you know things the customer will never discover. If every restaurant in America were transparent with their customers about where their food came from, the public would stop eating out as much as they do. Or they would stop for about six months after this Supersize Me-esque revelation, forget …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your kid needs a bath like yesterday’: Workers share things they aren’t allowed to tell customers at their job

’45 year mortgages’: 20+ Wild predictions for the future that sound pretty plausible

Nobody has a crystal ball (except maybe the creators of The Simpsons). But it sure is fun to make guesses about what might come to pass. I remember doing that a lot when I was graduating high school- trying to guess what would become of myself and my classmates. Would Josh grow up to be …
Seguir leyendo ’45 year mortgages’: 20+ Wild predictions for the future that sound pretty plausible

‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

Even if you were not a fan of history class in school, you have to admit that history and stories about people who lived in the same places we live right now are pretty interesting. My version of history class today as an adult is videos about how people used to get by, mainly explaining …
Seguir leyendo ‘What were they thinking?’: 20+ Wildest Foods People Still Don’t Understand How Humans Discovered

‘My wife microwaves lettuce’: Weird quirks long-term partners have learned to put up with

Everyone has a little idiosyncrasy. If you don’t, then you’re probably a robot. And the funny thing about love is that those little quirks, that might be totally annoying on another person, become tolerable, or even lovable, when you love a person. For example, I had a friend whose boyfriend never wore matching socks, on …
Seguir leyendo ‘My wife microwaves lettuce’: Weird quirks long-term partners have learned to put up with

‘He said he had an alpha personality’: 20+ flagrant red flags that made regular folks run for the hills

As Lisa Kudrow as Wanda Pierce in Bojack Horseman once said, «When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags,» which is one of the most poignantly true statements anyone has ever made, especially in an adult cartoon. When you love someone, or when you want to love someone, it’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘He said he had an alpha personality’: 20+ flagrant red flags that made regular folks run for the hills

‘Letting the tablet raise them’: Parents share the parenting trends they disagree with

Throughout the past 100 years, many different parenting trends have gone in and out of style. One of the biggest trends that has all but dissipated is parents leaving their kids outside to play by themselves for hours at a time. Starting with panic about child abductions in the 80s, compounded with the rise of …
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‘She told him ‘it’s the pig or me’: 20+ of the wildest relationship break up stories

Love is a very juicy topic. We wouldn’t have thousands of songs, books, and movies dedicated to the topic if that wasn’t the case—nor would they exist if romantic relationships were always plain sailing. A big part of the reason for our interest in love is that the highest of highs can be followed by …
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‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal x things about the 80s that pop culture forgets

Living through a period of time and looking back at it are two very different things. History is often told by unreliable narrators, even when those who experienced it are still alive. This is especially true when things become glamorized for Hollywood or the mainstream media. Most of the time, entertainment is going to triumph …
Seguir leyendo ‘The experience of boredom’: Gen X and older reveal x things about the 80s that pop culture forgets