‘Our generation has become extremely lazy’: Bully boomer complains about ‘lazy’ work from home-rs, coworker ends him with perfect comeback

Working from home has been one of the greatest inventions of the last half-century. It allows employees so much more flexibility than ever before and keeps people happier at their jobs. But it can be hard for the older generations to swallow. Sure, if you had to wake up at 6 am, put on an uncomfortable suit, and be at the office every day for 40 years, you might be a little salty that kids these days get to roll out of bed at 9 and stay in their pajamas. But you can either stay mad or get with the times. 

It’s a centuries-old tale: older generations complain that younger ones have it easier, instead of marveling at how far we’ve come. That’s exactly what happened in this recent Reddit story, where a boomer had some such complaint, but his coworker had the perfect response. The kind of response you think of in the shower later. Read on for the details. 

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