15+ Unsettling Instances Of Beans Where They Shouldn’t Be

Exactly what is it about baked beans that has captured the imagination of the cursed side of the internet? Perhaps it’s the slimy texture that makes people retch, or their fascinatingly uniform appearance. Their consistent lack of coolness might have something to do with it, or maybe it’s just the fact that we associate them …
Seguir leyendo 15+ Unsettling Instances Of Beans Where They Shouldn’t Be

New Emojis Spark Discourse on Pregnant Men, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Beans

Hot n’ spicy discourse on representation, race and gender is firing up on Twitter (again) because of…emojis. Not sure what stage of civilization we’re in now, but it’s getting pretty absurd. If there’s one thing Twitter has shown us time and time again, it’s that even the most mundane and innocuous cultural phenomena can be …
Seguir leyendo New Emojis Spark Discourse on Pregnant Men, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Beans