People Share Their Most Heinous Work Stories

While some people spent April Fool’s cataloguing all the brand jokes and PR stunts (ahem, Tubbycoin), DSA Cleveland decided to ask Twitter to share work experiences they wish were jokes. We’re guessing that this had something to do with Amazon being under fire for their inhumane work conditions, but there’s something about hearing horror stories …
Seguir leyendo People Share Their Most Heinous Work Stories

People Share Heinous Work Stories They Wish Were Jokes

While some people spent April Fool’s cataloguing all the brand jokes and PR stunts (ahem, Tubbycoin), DSA Cleveland decided to ask Twitter to share work experiences they wish were jokes. We’re guessing that this had something to do with Amazon being under fire for their inhumane work conditions, but there’s something about hearing horror stories …
Seguir leyendo People Share Heinous Work Stories They Wish Were Jokes