Funniest Sad Boi Memes for People Who Stare Out the Window When It’s Raining While Listening to Melancholy Music

Everyone thought that in 2008, scene and emo kids were just living out a phase of being moody teenagers. Now all those teenagers are grown up and more sad than ever. It’s not a phase, Mom! Even if you weren’t a scene kid putting cryptic and emotional songs on your Myspace profile, you are probably …
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Funniest Sad Boi Memes For Cool Emos Who Laugh Away The Pain

I don’t know if you’ve heard, but being depressed is now very in fashion. Never has sadness been more popular and widely accepted. Everybody’s emo now! It’s no longer considered alternative to be unironically boo-hoo about every nuisance in your life. In fact, go paint your nails black and throw on a hoodie. We’re all …
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Funniest Sad Boy Memes for People Who Have Been in a Bad Mood for Decades

The Great Depression in the 1920’s was caused by global crisis, financial ruin, and foul weather. Depression nowadays is pretty much caused by all the same things. Sick.   However, in the age of the Internet, most people who are wildly depressed can cope with a number of resources. The most important of those coping …
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20+ Strange Places With Unbearably Sad Names

It’s a big wide world out there, with a lot of different things in it. Some of these are amazingly beautiful, others a bit more mundane, but all of them need a name. With so many locations out there, it’s inevitable that we have to be somewhat creative with the naming process, unless we want …
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Mental Health Memes For Anyone Trying To Cope With All Of This Crap

We’re all dealing with a lot of sh*t right now, some more than others. We can’t act as your therapist, but we can bring you some relatable content. So while you try to find an actual licensed mental health professional, please take these memes as our offering to you during these trying times.

Dark & Funny Memes For People Who Are Going Through It

Whether you’re feeling anxious and depressed about current events, or you’re coping with mental illness or seasonal depression, it’s very true that sometimes things can become overwhelming. And when things get overwhelming, it’s important that you practice self-care. For some people, that means turning off the news, taking a long, hot bath, and knocking back the …
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Fifteen Bipolar Memes For The Manic-Depressives

The slogan of bipolar disorder should really be, «but wait, there’s more!» because as soon as you think you’re settled into an episode, something else comes along! Mania! Depression! Mixed! You’ll experience it all!  So whether you have type I, type II, or some other type of mood disorder, we think you’ll appreciate these memes! …
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Sad Memes To Kick That Seasonal Affective Disorder Into Gear

SAD, aka seasonal affective disorder, hits many of us pretty hard in the winter. The lack of sunlight, constant cloud cover, and freezing cold temperatures can really put a damper on your mood. So have some depressing memes to help you feel a little more understood. We hope they help.