‘You can’t just rename us’: Parents regret how they named their kids and try renaming them, kids refuse

Every moment that a baby is born in this world there is a chance that the parents will name it something crazy and unheard of. I know a lot of young parents want to be original and name their baby something unique, but I think this naming business is starting to get a little bit …
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Entitled Mom Allows Her Four Kids to Blare Loud iPads on Airplane, Flight Attendant Saves The Day With Headphones

Nobody likes it when someone blares their music publicly for everybody to listen to. Even if you have your noise-canceling headphones, it’s annoying and attention-seeking behavior that gets on most people’s nerves. I believe some people do it for attention, but the vast majority do it because they don’t care about how other people perceive …
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Entitled Parents at Disney World Get Schooled By Cast Member, Kids Ride Alone

Standing in one of those never-ending lines at an amusement park is my own personal nightmare… people get impatient, there isn’t much shade so the sun is boiling the top of your head like an omelet, and kids are screeching at the top of their lungs with a mix of antsy enthusiasm and irritability that …
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Clueless Parents Let Toddler Wear Squeaky Shoes to Wedding

Toddlers are naturally attracted to all sorts of disruptive toys and gadgets that always seem to make the most annoying noises one could possibly comprehend. It’s amazing that adult humans design these things to be highly irritating—are they just trolling parents with these things? Whoever invented kids shoes that squeak is either five years old …
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Woman Puts Veggies in All Her Food So Roommate’s Kid Will Stop Eating Her Leftovers, Entitled Mom Calls Her ‘Greedy’

After one too many nights of coming home from a long day’s work only to find that her dinner had been devoured by a little monster, u/veggieevengeance figured out a brilliant hack to prevent her roommate’s kid from eating all her leftovers—by adding vegetables to everything. Green stuff is kryptonite to little kids, apparently, because …
Seguir leyendo Woman Puts Veggies in All Her Food So Roommate’s Kid Will Stop Eating Her Leftovers, Entitled Mom Calls Her ‘Greedy’

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 4, 2023)

Happy Fourth of July to everyone except the choosing beggars of the world! While some of us may be celebrating the day off with family and friends, there will always be a handful of crazy entitled folks who just want to start a fight. It doesn’t matter if it’s a national holiday because there is …
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‘It needs to be cleaned up’: Hotel guest’s kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

Whatever happened to cleaning up your own mess? It’s one thing if you spill a drink at a restaurant and are waiting for a waiter to help clean it up, but it’s quite another when your kid makes a giant mess in the hallway outside your hotel room and you try to bother the one …
Seguir leyendo ‘It needs to be cleaned up’: Hotel guest’s kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (June 20, 2023)

Mommy Facebook groups are harmful for the same reason they’re beneficial: they bring isolated people together. Motherhood is extremely difficult, especially at the beginning. People shame mothers for only wanting to talk about their babies, isolating them from friends and family. Often, they have a spouse who works outside the house, so they spend most …
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Entitled Karen Wants A Salad, Orders a Not Salad, Tantrum Ensues

This entitled Karen insisted on ordering a salad. However, the salad she was ordering was, in fact, not a salad. Despite the waiter’s attempts to explain this to her, she refused to listen and then proceeded to have a meltdown once her «salad» arrived. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/entitledpeople subreddit by u/nightamethyst, who …
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Insane Ad For Nanny Gig Requires Masters Degree & Paying For Kids’ Snacks In Exchange For Pay of $18 a Day

When I was in high school, I made enough money babysitting for 12 hours that I was able to buy illicit substances that will remain unnamed. Friends of mine saved thousands over the span of a year just taking care of rich peoples’ children in their own neighborhoods. While I don’t remember my exact wage, …
Seguir leyendo Insane Ad For Nanny Gig Requires Masters Degree & Paying For Kids’ Snacks In Exchange For Pay of $18 a Day