Entertaining Thread Contemplates The Wonders Of Evolution

If there’s one thing that most of us can broadly agree on, it’s that the world is a very complex and beautiful place. It can be hard to appreciate just how mind-blowing all its natural resources and creatures are, unless we’ve spent enough time in the company of the Discovery Channel. One of the most …
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Speedy, Egg-shaped Dwarf Planet Fascinates Twitter

It’s crazy how astrophysicists think about the universe all day long, because we’re pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. If thinking about other galaxies for more than a minute isn’t enough to make your tiny human brain implode, then maximum respect. Although the secrets of space are often bewildering, they can be pretty …
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25+ Obscure Facts & Snapshots From History

Did you know that Ernest Hemingway used to shoot sharks with a tommy gun while fishing for marlins? Neither did I until I found @weird_hist, a Twitter account that drops random little-known historical tidbits and fascinating images from the past. Each one of @weird_hist’s tweets is a gateway to a historical k-hole. First, you’ll naturally …
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20+ Funny & Dubious Things People Learned When They Were ‘Today Years Old’

I was today years old when I learned that broccoli is actually cauliflower that’s been dyed green. Okay, not true. But broccoli is totally man made. Look it up. Have you ever seen broccoli growing in the wild? You haven’t, because it was originally a natural cabbage plant that humans used to cultivate a more …
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17 Cringey Facts That People Wish They Could ‘Un-Know’

It’s a pretty well-known fact that ignorance is bliss. These tidbits from an especially uncomfortable AskReddit thread are definitely proof of this theory. One masochistic user asked the community to share all the glorious factoids they wish they hadn’t learned, and honestly – we feel the same way. Sometimes you really don’t want to learn …
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Amusing Facts People Learned When They Were ‘Today Years Old’

We’ve all got moments where we learn something amazing or shocking for the first time. And full disclosure: not all of these «facts» are true, but we still found them amusing nonetheless, and we hope you will too.