Guy Gets Shamed By Girlfriend’s Parents for Not Being a ‘Real Man,’ So He Stops Doing Chores

Even in 2022, some people still have pretty medieval views on gender roles, like one redditor’s girlfriend and her parents who believe that every man should be able to fix things around the house. Do they also believe their daughter should quit her good job and do all the housework and cooking? I don’t really …
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Needlessly Mean & Gendered Parenting Signs Spark Needlessly Extra Response

There are few harder jobs out there than being a parent. There are few that are as common, too. Having responsibility over the formation of a whole person for a minimum of eighteen years is not for the faint of heart, although some might argue that many have this realization a lot later than they …
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Despairing Woman Gets Dunked On For Complaining About Male Instacart Shopper

We know by now that memes are law when it comes to the world of gender politics. Chads rule over everyone, females born after 1993 can’t cook, and most importantly of all, women be shopping. The modern man has more important things on his mind than making purchases, like starting a podcast, or making overwrought …
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Needlessly Mean And Gendered Parenting Signs Spark Needlessly Extra Response

There are few harder jobs out there than being a parent. There are few that are as common, too. Having responsibility over the formation of a whole person for a minimum of eighteen years is not for the faint of heart, although some might argue that many have this realization a lot later than they …
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Disastrous Gender Reveal Goes Off With A Bang

One thing that can’t be escaped by expectant parents today is the anticipation of the gender reveal. As if having a baby shower wasn’t enough, it’s almost become an expectation that every unborn child gets a flamboyant announcement of their sex. At least most people keep it relatively simple, cutting a cake or popping a …
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4 Movie Tropes That Become Certifiably Insane if You Swap Genders

What would happen if movie women approached sex like movie men? What if movie men did rom-coms like movie women? And why the heck don’t we have a gay noir yet!? In this episode of ‘Your Brain On Cracked,’ «Doctor» Jordan Breeding sets out to diagnose just how angry and confused everybody would be. And …
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Hilarious Twitter Meme Mocks People Who Find Gender Pronouns Confusing

It’s 2021 and a lot of people are still confused by gender pronouns, specifically ‘they/them’ pronouns for gender-nonconforming people. It’s pretty simple, really—gender-nonconforming people do not conform to the gender binary and therefore prefer others to use non-gendered pronouns when referring to them. But for whatever reason, some people can’t wrap their heads around the …
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26 Manly Memes For Boys Who Just Wanna Have Fun Too

Hey Cyndi Lauper, boys just wanna have fun sometimes too!  Guys, even though us ladies often complain about your BS and don’t fully understand the weird things you do, that doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate you! As is such, we gathered up a batch of memes just for the dudes. Enjoy!

30 Trans Memes & Supportive Things For All Genders

We’ve got an amusing selection of trans memes, tweets, and other internet things ranging from wholesome to spicy. Whether you’re trans, nonbinary, or cis and eager to learn, these memes are for anyone to enjoy. If you’re looking for more of this sort of content, r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns and r/GaySoundsShitposts are a couple of great subreddits full …
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