Kindergartener Trashes Mom for Sandwich Making Skills, Wins Hearts on the Internet

Every schoolkid knows that lunch is what can make or break having a good day. The cafeteria is doing pizza? Maybe math class wasn’t so bad after all. Have nothing but a half-eaten bag of chips to last you until home time? There is literally nothing worse. It’s a lesson that most of us learn …
Seguir leyendo Kindergartener Trashes Mom for Sandwich Making Skills, Wins Hearts on the Internet

Teacher Remixes Korn’s ‘Coming Undone’ To Teach Students The Alphabet

As someone who was really into Korn in middle school and high school, I’m not really sure how I would have reacted to the music had I heard them in kindergarten. Well, this teacher certainly has faith that his students would respond well. His remix of ‘Coming Undone’ comes with a very specific goal – …
Seguir leyendo Teacher Remixes Korn’s ‘Coming Undone’ To Teach Students The Alphabet