Entire Staff of Bagel Store Quits In Response to Manager’s Unjust Termination

We often make fun of employers who compare staff to a family. It’s a corny sentiment that rarely rings true. But it seems like for Noah’s Bagel Shop in Vacaville, California, the sentiment was a reality. After the store’s manager Bre Kowalski was suspended due to a supposed customer complaint, she discovered that her final …
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30 Relatable Memes For Fed-Up Retail Workers

If you’ve ever intimately known the thankless hell that is retail work, this collection of memes and tweets about grueling shift work for low wages will grind your gears like the gears of Capitalism grind the hopes and dreams of the working class. Whether you’re taking a shit on company time or looking for a …
Seguir leyendo 30 Relatable Memes For Fed-Up Retail Workers