Memes to Shine a Light Upon

Lights always surround us. Maybe it’s because I live in NYC, and as we all know, the city never sleeps, but I’m rarely in total darkness. There are streetlights outside my window, and that’s the way I like it! I like that the light of the day shines into my bedroom, waking me up and …
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A Comedic Cake Filled With 30 Delicious Memes

Another work week is coming to an end, and just like every week, I cannot wait for the weekend.  While I let myself relax for the weekends that have come and gone these past few months, I have now decided to make specific plans for my Saturdays and Sundays to make sure that I really …
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Programming Memes for Coding Geeks (May 19, 2024)

The world we live in today couldn’t survive without a few essential things, and one of these is computers. Sure, they might not be as essential as the air we breathe or clean drinking water, but these days billions of people have jobs, relationships, and lives that are entirely dependent on their access to this …
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28 Phrases That Will Take Every Millennial Back to Their Childhood: ‘Call after 9 pm when it’s free’

Ah, the good old days, or were they? There’s nothing quite like the nostalgic memories of yelling at your sibling to get off the phone so you could make a call, or trying to kick your annoying little brother off the internet just to check your email. And who can forget the chaos of getting …
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A Healthy Assortment of Memes for These Modern Times

Variety is the spice of life. It saves things from being boring and makes them fun and interesting. Think of a shish kebab. If it’s just chicken on there… sure, yeah, I’ll eat it. But throw some onions and peppers in there, spaced evenly with a symmetrical and pleasing pattern, now I’m thrilled to eat it. Or better yet, consider a bowl of …
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A Selection of Memes for Meme Time

Reason number 123495836 why memes are great: unless they’re about special occasions, there is no defined, more socially acceptable time to consume them. At the same time, though, it does make them feel extra special if you specifically carve out a portion of your day that’s just for looking at these funny little beauties. That …
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23 Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can (May 18, 2024)

It’s the freaking weekend, baby—time to stay up until 3 am because your kid keeps waking up! Let’s gooooo!

Nurse Memes For Nurses Rounding During the Night Shift

Most jobs have pretty simple schedules. You go in during the morning, leave in the evening, sleep, and come back the following day to do it all over again. Nursing is not most jobs. When you’re a nurse, you could be working the night shift one day and working the day shift another day. It …
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31 Night Owl Memes for Sleepy Folks Who Hiss at the Morning Sun (May 18, 2024)

Night owls are always justifying their lifestyle. When people ask what night owls are up to after the rest of the world has gone to sleep, they almost always reply with, ‘I’m more productive after dark!’ Okay, Susan, if munching on a family-sized bag of potato chips, while giving yourself a pedicure and letting your …
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30 Merry Memes For Joyful Lads and Lasses

Oh, happy day! It’s time to pass some merry memes around the fireplace with Ma and Pa. Not to engage in toxic positivity, but how on earth could I be sad when I’ve got a gorgeous selection of humorous images lined up for me, ripe for the picking? Reading memes as a family huddling in …
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