‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

I have yet to meet parents who respect their kid’s boundaries. My mom for one, is a lovely person, but she doesn’t have a respectful bone in her body. She’ll tell the whole neighborhood about my dating life, despite my many pleas to not do that. She’ll also show up unannounced at my apartment in …
Seguir leyendo ‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 13, 2024)

Parents will do all sorts of things to make sure their kids succeed. I understand moving to an area with a good school district or paying for SAT tutoring, but some parents take it too far. I know kids who were held back in elementary school so that they could be older than everyone in …
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‘Dealing with other people’s children’: Parents share the most unexpected struggles that come with parenting

There is no way to fully prepare for parenthood. Even if you read every baby book in the library, devour countless academic articles about child-rearing, ask all the parents you know for advice, watch every baby TikTok under the sun, and study parenting tweets every Thursday, being a parent will continue to shock you every …
Seguir leyendo ‘Dealing with other people’s children’: Parents share the most unexpected struggles that come with parenting

Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

There’s a difference between being late for something and being late for something without even knowing it. If you’re running a few minutes late, you can text the people your lateness affects and let them know your estimated arrival time: No harm, no foul. But if you experience something called «time blindness,» you might be …
Seguir leyendo Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

‘She started commenting on how similar my babies chubby cheeks are to mine’: Mother-in-law fat-shames new mom 5 months postpartum, compares her weight loss to her own

There are three things you should never bring up with mixed company: politics, religion, and weight. I know this might be a controversial opinion, but I don’t think that it’s appropriate to comment on someone else’s body, whether they’re a stranger or a family member. Of course, there are specific circumstances where that doesn’t apply. …
Seguir leyendo ‘She started commenting on how similar my babies chubby cheeks are to mine’: Mother-in-law fat-shames new mom 5 months postpartum, compares her weight loss to her own

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 6, 2024)

We’ve been making entertainment spectacles out of lousy parenting for at least as long as I’ve been alive. As a kid, I was intrigued and compelled by the TV program Supernanny. For those of you living under a rock, Supernanny follows a British nanny named Jo, who helps families with poorly behaved children. Sometimes, the …
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UPDATE: After ripping a ‘gifted’ check of $40,000 and cutting off contact with his parents, kid fakes reconciliation only to take the money and move far away

The college student who had made parents and kids question their relationships is back with an update, and the family drama continues. In his original Reddit post, OP (original poster), wrote about how his parents have made him pay rent in their home for four years of college, causing him to have no social life …
Seguir leyendo UPDATE: After ripping a ‘gifted’ check of $40,000 and cutting off contact with his parents, kid fakes reconciliation only to take the money and move far away

21 Most Entertaining Dad Jokes to Share at a Family Dinner Table

Delicious aromas fill the air as you plop mashed potatoes onto your plate. Tonight is meatloaf night, a family favorite, and it’s perfect timing too, because a whopper of a dad joke has been brewing all day… Your eyes have a mischievous glint in them and you clear your throat, ready to make your family …
Seguir leyendo 21 Most Entertaining Dad Jokes to Share at a Family Dinner Table

‘See you in court, mom’: Mother demands daughter give her money she got from child support, daughter refuses, leading to mother taking legal actions

It might not be possible for every parent out there, but I firmly believe that parents should not be financially reliant on their children whatsoever, at least not while they are able to work. I am fully aware that a lot of single parents out there struggle with maintaining their household with just one salary, …
Seguir leyendo ‘See you in court, mom’: Mother demands daughter give her money she got from child support, daughter refuses, leading to mother taking legal actions

‘The rules don’t apply to me’: Hotel Staff Remove a Guest Who Showed Up at the ‘No Kids’ Pool With Her Child, Ignoring Hotel Policy

Some people are under the impression that the rules don’t apply to them, especially at hotels. One person described their experience at a ‘no kids’ hotel pool area they were at. Another guest had showed up with her kid in tow, and the kid was playing with Star Wars toys which he happily spread around, …
Seguir leyendo ‘The rules don’t apply to me’: Hotel Staff Remove a Guest Who Showed Up at the ‘No Kids’ Pool With Her Child, Ignoring Hotel Policy