British Accents Are Getting Roasted To A Crisp On Twitter

We’re not sure if people are just extra bored these days, or if everyone on Twitter has always loved dumb jokes, but we seem to be reaching some seriously high levels of dumbassery on the website. Remember all those ‘White People Be Like’ tweets of yesteryear? The latest Twitter victim seems to be the British …
Seguir leyendo British Accents Are Getting Roasted To A Crisp On Twitter

British Accents Are The Target Of This New Twitter Meme

We’re not sure if people are just extra bored these days, or if everyone on Twitter has always loved dumb jokes, but we seem to be reaching some seriously high levels of dumbassery on the website. Remember all those ‘White People Be Like’ tweets of yesteryear? The latest Twitter victim seems to be the British …
Seguir leyendo British Accents Are The Target Of This New Twitter Meme