Embarrassingly Inept Recruiter Inspires Fail-Filled Twitter Thread

Recruiters probably help to match a lot of skilled people with quality vacancies. But they can be incredibly annoying and sometimes even straight up careless. They cold message you on LinkedIn, promising opportunities, pretending as though they’re sending a genuine message rather than just filling in the blanks of a generic template. That kind of …
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Recruiter Faces Backlash For Lowballing Unsuspecting Job Candidate

Despite the fact that they’re what most of us depend on to live, there are few more awkward topics out there than our salaries. The money that keeps a roof over our heads says a lot about the power we wield, and even more about how we are valued (or not) by our employers. As …
Seguir leyendo Recruiter Faces Backlash For Lowballing Unsuspecting Job Candidate

Twitter Thread Details All The BS That Goes On In HR Departments

This Twitter thread written by @TheWrongNoel details the frustrating reason you may not have gotten picked to interview at your dream job. Hint: it’s not because you aren’t qualified, and more due to a lack of competence by the HR department.