Scathing Self-Owns From Poets of Self-Deprecation

If you’re a human being, chances are you’ve felt insecure during at least one stage of your life. Some people never even manage to escape the dark and lonely psychological pit of self-deprecation. But of the people who are a bit too hard on themselves, there are always those few special ones who make up …
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40+ Efficiently Funny Memes For Individuals In Need of a Quick Laugh

Efficiency is of great importance in our modern world. If you want to be successful, you’ve got to be quick, but also effective. Memes may be antithetical to productivity, but you’ve got to admit that memes do have a purpose. You glance at a meme, get a little laugh, and then move on. They’re in …
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A Decent Selection of Memes and Other Funny Things

I was a bit of a whiner as a kid. I am outing myself. That said, my mother wasn’t the most engaging parent. She sat at the same chair every day, chainsmoking and drinking Lipton tea while filling out her logic problem books that she bought at the stationery store. While I was a very …
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A Massive Selection of Funny and Self-Deprecating Raccoon Memes

Here in New York City, where nature somehow manages to thrive between the cracks in the pavement, there aren’t a ton of «wild» animal sightings. Sure, we’ve got pigeons galore and some clever rats running the streets, but for the most part, the wildlife, to many, would seem unremarkable. But I’m not jaded, and I’m …
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Funniest Memes for Self-Deprecating People Who Are Their Own Worst Enemy

Oooooh you, you’re just the funniest person. How’d you get so funny? Most likely from making many poor decisions in your life and using humor as a coping mechanism. Self-deprecating comedy is your key tool to accepting everything about yourself and in life. Humanity is in the midst of a collective existential crisis and has …
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A Decent Selection of Semi-Fresh Memes and Things

I was a bit of a whiner as a kid. I am outing myself. That said, my mother wasn’t the most engaging parent. She sat at the same chair every day, chainsmoking and drinking Lipton tea while filling out her logic problem books that she bought at the stationery store. While I was a very …
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Sad Girl Season: Funniest Memes That Hit the Hurt Just Right for This Year’s Start of Seasonal Depression Weather

Come laugh through the tears with us! Metal health is very important, and what better cure for the blues than laughter?! Seriously thought, why does winter gotta do us like that? Leave my chemical imbalance alone, it’s already hard enough to keep them in check during the warm months. Now we all have to figure …
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Most Relatable Memes for People Who Are Too Self-Aware and Sometimes Wish They Weren’t

People who are not self-aware are the worst. They just go about their days doing whatever tf they want and don’t care about how they affect anybody else. However, on the complete other end of the spectrum, being TOO self-aware is the worst… You start to overthink everything, you wonder if anybody even likes you? …
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A Fine Selection of Semi-Fresh Memes and Things

I was a bit of a whiner as a kid. I am outing myself. That said, my mother wasn’t the most engaging parent. She sat at the same chair every day, chainsmoking and drinking Lipton tea while filling out her logic problem books that she bought at the stationery store. While I was a very …
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Self-Deprecating Memes From Depressives With a Sense of Humor

Self-deprecation isn’t a new concept. People have used the attitude for both bad and good purposes – think of the «fool» of the courts of yore. Hating on themselves was literally their vocation. Comics have embraced this mode for years. But the advent of memes has allowed for self-deprecation to shine more palpably than it …
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