A Massive Selection of Funny and Self-Deprecating Raccoon Memes

Here in New York City, where nature somehow manages to thrive between the cracks in the pavement, there aren’t a ton of «wild» animal sightings. Sure, we’ve got pigeons galore and some clever rats running the streets, but for the most part, the wildlife, to many, would seem unremarkable. But I’m not jaded, and I’m happy to report that in my corner of Brooklyn the raccoons and possums are thriving. I’ve even seen a skunk sniffing around my street. While opossums and skunks are arguably dope (unless the skunks spray you), it’s the raccoons who have my favor.

Why are raccoons my favorite? Well, they’re way cuter than opossums (no offense) and far less likely to unleash a stinky attack like a startled skunk. Plus, they’re quite sociable and often interact with us humans in the backyard. Some of the neighborhood raccoons have even entered my apartment. As it turns out, raccoons have a soft spot for cat food and prefer drinking water from cat fountains to stagnant puddles. Who knew?

Cuteness aside, raccoons have managed to become darlings of the internet, especially in the world of memes. It’s not hard to see why—the memes they star in feature a special kind of self-deprecation, embracing the silly and somber, and delving into the depths of existentialism. If that kind of meme tickles your fancy, get ready for a wild ride through this hefty collection of memes. From their cute mischief to their opposable thumbs, these memes capture the essence of raccoon hilarity while also serving up the self-reflective and sometimes melancholic undertones. 

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