‘My son screamed for the last 4 hours’: Parents share the worst travel strategies they’ve tried while traveling with kids

Traveling with kids can’t be easy. I like to think that I was a pretty easy kid to handle overall, but I remember one particularly horrible car ride that my parents will never forget. I believe we were driving from Wisconsin back to Illinois, and the sun was in my eyes the entire ride. Instead …
Seguir leyendo ‘My son screamed for the last 4 hours’: Parents share the worst travel strategies they’ve tried while traveling with kids

Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

If I’ve learned anything from my extended family, it’s that you should not let your adult son live in your house rent-free for years with no job and no prospects. When I was a kid, teenager, and college student, one of my biggest fears was that I would never be able to get a job, …
Seguir leyendo Dad forces 18-year-old son to pay rent or get out, allows 22 year old unemployed son to live with him rent free: ‘I’m getting punished for my brothers actions’

New mother grapples with a tough decision after realizing her mom was a dangerous parent: ‘Her defense? I did this with you and you survived’

Becoming a parent puts into perspective how difficult it is to be a GOOD parent. Perhaps this shines a light on our own families and if you’re lucky, you can glean wisdom from your parents. However, if you’re like most of us, watching your parents interact with their grandchild can be a jarring reminder of …
Seguir leyendo New mother grapples with a tough decision after realizing her mom was a dangerous parent: ‘Her defense? I did this with you and you survived’

Lame son storms out of his mom’s Renaissance fair-themed birthday party because she didn’t like his fiancée’s Disney bachelorette party: ‘I just could not stop thinking ‘hypocrite»

I am a woman who finds much pleasure in lame things. I will go to a theme park or local carnival with the same joy in my heart as I did when I was a child living it up at Six Flags Over Texas. I invite kitschy, low-culture things into my life because they’re just …
Seguir leyendo Lame son storms out of his mom’s Renaissance fair-themed birthday party because she didn’t like his fiancée’s Disney bachelorette party: ‘I just could not stop thinking ‘hypocrite»

Entitled parents belittle grandmother for taking their kids to Epcot while babysitting: ‘She was distraught over missing their first Disney trip’

There are some parents out there who are obsessed with their children’s «firsts.» I can understand that a kid’s first words, first steps, and first days of school are all incredibly salient moments for parents to remember for the rest of their lives, even if their kids don’t retain them. While I respect the documentation …
Seguir leyendo Entitled parents belittle grandmother for taking their kids to Epcot while babysitting: ‘She was distraught over missing their first Disney trip’

‘He’s not turned out to be a good person’: Concerned mom encourages son’s girlfriend to break up with him, faces his wrath

Once you get past a certain age, it becomes pretty easy to recognize when two people in a relationship are badly suited to one another. They weren’t lying when they said love is blind, and some won’t even listen when they get a necessary wake-up call. However, this isn’t always the case. If somebody’s partner …
Seguir leyendo ‘He’s not turned out to be a good person’: Concerned mom encourages son’s girlfriend to break up with him, faces his wrath

‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project

One problem that every kind of teacher has to try and solve is how you capture and keep the attention of a class. What might work in one year totally fails the next. If you’ve been in the profession for a long time, Gen Alpha might not be captivated by the same tactics as millennials …
Seguir leyendo ‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project

‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

It’s a tale as old as time: you walk up to your mom and tell her you’re hungry for dinner. She says that she’s not making dinner for another hour or so. Then, she offers you some fruit to quell your hunger but not ruin your appetite. You refuse and choose to be miserable until …
Seguir leyendo ‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

‘I’m too busy trying to be an adult’: Mom kicks teenage son out for her boyfriend, asks son to move back in to take care of her after months of him being homeless

I’ve never understood parents who kick their children out the second they turn 18 or as soon as they graduate high school. If a kid really wants to spread their wings immediately after leaving school, then good for them, but I wouldn’t say that most teenagers, even adult teenagers, are 100% to take on the …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’m too busy trying to be an adult’: Mom kicks teenage son out for her boyfriend, asks son to move back in to take care of her after months of him being homeless

‘My son and I have resorted to locking up [our things]’: Chronic donator gives away her husband’s tent, he charges her $300 for it

Giving things away can come from a kind place. If your best friend mentions that she needs to buy a turkey baster and you have an extra turkey baster that you never use, it would be foolish not to give it to her. However, just because someone is generous on the outside doesn’t mean they’re …
Seguir leyendo ‘My son and I have resorted to locking up [our things]’: Chronic donator gives away her husband’s tent, he charges her $300 for it