People Debate How Bad the Early 2010s Were for Popular Music

Once we get to a certain age, nostalgia becomes a powerful force. We can’t help but reminisce on the highlights of the good old days, even if there weren’t that many to speak of. A lot of us tend to think back on the culture that was in our younger years with a fondness — …
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DJ Plays Kid’s Disco, Shares Their Amusing And Nonsensical Song Requests

We’ve got to hand it to the power of music. Irrespective of background, age, or gender, it’s a hard task to find somebody out there who isn’t moved by the right combinations of words and sounds. Most of us get started on this from an early age; from your mom singing you nursery rhymes to …
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15+ Musicboard Reviews That Confirm Music Nerds Are Weirdos

It’s pretty difficult to find many individuals out there who have a serious aversion to music. There’s nothing like the unifying power of song to bring us all together, unless we start arguing about music taste — in which case, we will never hear the end of which genre is better and why. It’s a …
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Funny Memes & Tweets People Can Sing Along To

We can’t be the only people who are desperately missing karaoke. Singing our favorite songs with complete strangers or a group of close friends is such a liberating feeling – and one that we can’t wait to relive. Until then, we settle for singing with the radio in the car, or while we dance while …
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Teacher Remixes Korn’s ‘Coming Undone’ To Teach Students The Alphabet

As someone who was really into Korn in middle school and high school, I’m not really sure how I would have reacted to the music had I heard them in kindergarten. Well, this teacher certainly has faith that his students would respond well. His remix of ‘Coming Undone’ comes with a very specific goal – …
Seguir leyendo Teacher Remixes Korn’s ‘Coming Undone’ To Teach Students The Alphabet

Clever Musical Memes That’ll Make You Sing

There are tons of memes about bands, being a musician, and nerdy music theory references, but we’ve got some special musical memes and tweets today that are a clever play on familiar tunes. Here, we’ll try one: Dashing through the netOn a hunt for funny memesAll the memes we getIt’s the content of our dreamsPosting …
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