30 Memes for Australians Who Can’t Pick a Favorite Tim Tam Flavor

Though I’ve never been, I think of Australia as a sunny, fun-loving country full of jocks who aren’t afraid of huge spiders. Every Australian I’ve ever met is a good time. They have to be spirited and lighthearted, they’re facing off against a whole manner of nightmarish creatures every day on their way to work.  I once saw a photo of a Huntsman spider, and it scared …
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30+ of the Best Animal Memes of the Week (March 16, 2024)

One of the most critical decisions in pet ownership is choosing your pet’s name. If you give your dog a silly dog name like «David,» it will likely not affect the dog psychologically, but it will make you have to have the same conversation repeatedly about your dog having a human name. As a former …
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20+ Spider Memes for Arachnid Enthusiasts with 8-Legged Friendos

Trigger warning for anyone with Arachnidphobia: There will be pictures of spiders ahead.  Welcome to any arachnid enthusiast out there! Society wants you to think spiders are only creepy crawlers. They sell their food catchers/homes as Halloween decorations and create tough guy characters like Spider-Man to make you think arachnids can mess you up. And …
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‘For a mere $48, I can send my enemies a cream that has them attacked by spiders’: Sephora customers claim lotion is irresistible to spiders, entertains the internet

I think that a lot of people underestimate how crazy the beauty industry is. They will throw almost any random ingredient at the wall of the moisturizer-buying public just to see what sticks. This frequently isn’t a good thing — women used to paint their faces with lead makeup, for God’s sake. However, it does …
Seguir leyendo ‘For a mere $48, I can send my enemies a cream that has them attacked by spiders’: Sephora customers claim lotion is irresistible to spiders, entertains the internet

Redditors Discuss The Dumbest Myths People Believe

Every culture has myths. Myths range from ancient to brand baby-spanking new, and even though they can be a source of disinformation, they are so darn fun! One of my favorite myths stems back to my school days. When teachers were late to class, students would confidently proclaim that if they didn’t show up after …
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People Discuss The Dumbest Myths We Still Somehow Believe

Every culture has myths. Myths range from ancient to brand baby-spanking new, and even though they can be a source of disinformation, they are so darn fun! One of my favorite myths stems back to my school days. When teachers were late to class, students would confidently proclaim that if they didn’t show up after …
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Animal Memes That Go Beyond Cats & Dogs

I have a question for you. Do you like animals? If you answered yes, I have a second question for you. Do you like animals that aren’t just cats and dogs? If you answered yes to both of these questions, congratulations. You will probably enjoy the animal memes that lie before you.  Sometimes I think …
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Funny Animal Memes For Wilderness Explorers

If I’m being honest, Russell from Up (2009) deserved far more than just a wilderness explorer badge for his adventures with Carl. That child was a friend to the elderly and the animal kingdom more than most of us could dream of being. He had the explorer’s spirit, and he did something about it. He …
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Animal Memes For Vegetarians And Meat-Eaters Alike

To eat meat or to not eat meat; that is the question. As Thanksgiving comes and goes this weekend, it’s natural that dietary needs and restrictions come up as topics for debate. Some animal fans think being a vegetarian or a vegan is a requirement for being an animal lover. Others believe that since animals …
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Animal Memes For Modern Day Crocodile Hunters

I’m sure we all wished we were born into the legendary Irwin Dynasty at some point. Imagine being the heiress to the Australia Zoo throne, spending your days wearing fantastic two-piece khaki outfits with your awesome and perfectly wholesome family. I, for one, want nothing more than to star in my wildlife documentary programming and …
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