Retail Store Faces Backlash For Implementing “Boomers Only” Hiring Policy

If the older generations are anything to go by, there are a lot of things that make Gen Z an age group to look down on. They can’t spend more than mere minutes away from their screens, half of them use neopronouns, and the main way they communicate is through obscure memes. Oh, and don’t …
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Stupendously Bizarre Second Hand Items That Are as Fascinating as They Are Weird

There are two types of people in this world: those who can only function around clean, streamlined, minimalist aesthetics, and those who love to surround themselves with a bunch of weird and colorful junk. My roommate and I both fall into the latter category, as the bright green, penis-shaped bottle opener hanging next to my …
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TikToker Satirizes East Asian Aesthetic Vlogs with «Floridacore» Store Visit

Alongside the many other rules of the internet, they should have added one specifying that at any given time, there is always somebody using social media to fetishize East Asian culture. From the neckbeards who think that owning a katana makes them basically Japanese to the Koreaboos who refuse to have an extended conversation about …
Seguir leyendo TikToker Satirizes East Asian Aesthetic Vlogs with «Floridacore» Store Visit

Images That Could Enrage Or Slightly Annoy You

Every day of your life, you have experienced something that doesn’t quite go your way. Whether it be the food you ordered is entirely different than expected, someone cutting you off in traffic, or something as simple as seeing a piece of trash on the ground. For little slights like this, you have a choice …
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Selfish Customer Gets Roasted For Saying People Shouldn’t Return Their Shopping Carts

When it comes to doing our jobs, many of us would do anything for an easy day’s work now and then. A workplace without a sense of challenge might get boring pretty quickly, but one where we’re not forced to deal with unnecessary drama, rude customers and annoying BS that distracts us from what we’re …
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Retail Store Faces Backlash After Implementing “Boomers Only” Hiring Policy

If the older generations are anything to go by, there are a lot of things that make Gen Z an age group to look down on. They can’t spend more than mere minutes away from their screens, half of them use neopronouns, and the main way they communicate is through obscure memes. Oh, and don’t …
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Disgruntled Worker Quits Retail Job, Calls Out Management On Store Intercom

When you’re working a truly crappy job, it can seem like there’s very little to look forward to in life. Most of the hours of your days are spent preparing for, enduring and recovering from a place that sucks all your time, energy and motivation, taking an immeasurable toll on both mental and physical health. …
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Costco Employees Give An Amusing Rundown Of Their Returns Policy

Costco is truly a king among stores. If you qualify to apply for that sweet, sweet membership, you suddenly have a whole new world of discounts and tantalizing bulk items right at your fingertips. You never know what delights might find themselves in your shopping cart whenever your visit, but that’s all part of the …
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Man Experiences Chaos At The Self-Checkout After A Cat Sits On His Groceries

There’s nothing like the unique brand of stress that comes with using a store’s self-checkout. Not only do you have to scan and bag everything by yourself, you have to deal with the whims of a temperamental retail robot and sometimes stand there for minutes at a time waiting for an actual staff member if …
Seguir leyendo Man Experiences Chaos At The Self-Checkout After A Cat Sits On His Groceries