The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (April 18, 2024)

What does it mean for something to be wholesome? Some would suggest that the fact that this category exists at all is a measure of something being very wrong elsewhere, but others would argue that we shouldn’t think so hard and just enjoy anything that puts a guilt-free smile on our faces. The fact of …
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Homeschool mom asks niece to teach illiterate 9-year-old daughter who can’t add single digit numbers: ‘I don’t think 4 hours once a week is enough at all’

One of the biggest arguments coming from the pro-homeschooling camp is that kids shouldn’t have to sit and be quiet for 7 hours a day. It is a little insane that we ask 6 and 7-year-olds to conform to a schedule that mirrors that of a full-time job. While it’s highly demanding in concept, it’s …
Seguir leyendo Homeschool mom asks niece to teach illiterate 9-year-old daughter who can’t add single digit numbers: ‘I don’t think 4 hours once a week is enough at all’

High School Teachers Go Viral for Sharing ‘Mean Things’ Their Gen Z Students Have Actually Said to Them

«A kid looked me de@d in the eyes and said, ‘It makes sense why you’re not married.’…» 

‘They swiftly came to his defense’: Teachers Discuss Wholesome Trends Seen Among Gen Z Students in Heartwarming Thread

Everyone loves to hate on Gen Z. ‘They’re always on their phones. They don’t pay attention. They have no work ethic!’ are just some of the things I hear. Say what you will about Gen Z, but they have the courage that many of us could only dream of having. They embrace diversity, inclusivity, and …
Seguir leyendo ‘They swiftly came to his defense’: Teachers Discuss Wholesome Trends Seen Among Gen Z Students in Heartwarming Thread

Mom fights back after substitute teacher claims 8-year-old’s top is ‘inappropriate’: ‘Oh no, you see collarbones. Go seek help’

Almost every female student who has been through the US public school system has faced the wrath of the dreaded dress code at some point in their education. While it is important to maintain some level of propriety in the classroom, since when do spaghetti straps make it so difficult for everyone to learn? Often, …
Seguir leyendo Mom fights back after substitute teacher claims 8-year-old’s top is ‘inappropriate’: ‘Oh no, you see collarbones. Go seek help’

‘Suspensions are absolutely a vacation’: Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

Teaching is not a profession for the weak. The hours are long, the pay isn’t enough, and the rewards can sometimes seem nonexistent. Do you know what this does make the job good for, though? Complaining! After spending enough time around those thankless kids, you start to have some pretty strong opinions on the whole …
Seguir leyendo ‘Suspensions are absolutely a vacation’: Teachers reveal their hot takes about the profession

30 Teacher Memes for Educators on the Brink of Spring Break

Teachers, you’re almost there. I know you can catch a whiff of your bright, beautiful week off ahead of you, and it already tastes so good. Sure, much of it will be spent catching up on grading and stewing in the inevitable last leg of the semester, but you don’t need to worry about that …
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‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project

One problem that every kind of teacher has to try and solve is how you capture and keep the attention of a class. What might work in one year totally fails the next. If you’ve been in the profession for a long time, Gen Alpha might not be captivated by the same tactics as millennials …
Seguir leyendo ‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project

‘Millennials are itching to treat Gen Alpha the way Boomers treated them’: Mean mom mocks daughter for not knowing how to boil eggs, gets dragged by the internet

I would never claim to be an expert on this topic, but I feel like one of the most important parts of being a mom or dad is teaching your kid the life skills they will need to survive as an adult. It’s inevitable that every parent will leave a couple of gaps — they’re …
Seguir leyendo ‘Millennials are itching to treat Gen Alpha the way Boomers treated them’: Mean mom mocks daughter for not knowing how to boil eggs, gets dragged by the internet

Teacher Assigns Passive-Aggressive Crossword Puzzle After Student is Absent For One Day

There are many different ways for educators and school administrators to prevent truancy. The most crucial step is to meet with parents to figure out why a kid is repeatedly absent from class. The child or the parent might have health issues that the school doesn’t know about, or they might discover that a teen …
Seguir leyendo Teacher Assigns Passive-Aggressive Crossword Puzzle After Student is Absent For One Day