New Trend has TikTokers Explaining and Showing What Their Anxiety Feels like to Them

A full glass sitting halfway off the ledge of a table; A pot over boiling with water; The feeling of your body filling up with buzzing bees—anxiety can come in many different experiences. 

Disgusting Viral TikTok Trend Where People Cook an Egg on Matches or Stick Matches Into a Steak to Cook It Will Kill Your Appetite

Why would you ruin a perfectly good steak like that??

People Got Tired of Stealing LeBron’s Head So Now They’re Inflating Him With Liquid

Last month, shortly after the release of Space Jam: A New Legacy, people everywhere flocked to their local big box retailer to steal the heads of LeBron James action figures. And yes, it started as a TikTok trend. For regular, non-TikToking patrons of Walmart, the sight of shelves stocked with decapitated LeBron toys was pretty …
Seguir leyendo People Got Tired of Stealing LeBron’s Head So Now They’re Inflating Him With Liquid