Toxic Boss Enforces Mandatory Daily Morning Meetings, Forces Workers to Stand

I understand the thinking behind standing desks. They improve your posture, get your blood flowing, and counteract the negative effects of sitting for too long. If you’re into it, I’m all for it. But the thing about those is that they’re usually optional. If you want to stand, you can, but nobody’s making you. When …
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‘Boss is on a power trip’: Ridiculous employer reprimands worker for wearing a sweater after clocking out

One of the worst things about certain jobs is the requirement to wear a uniform. It can make you feel like a monkey in a suit, all dressed up for someone else’s enjoyment. I understand that it’s necessary for safety in some instances, but it can feel dehumanizing. The worst though, I remember from my …
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Toxic Management Puts Employee on a «Wall of Shame» For Calling Out After Her Dog Died

It can be hard to get sympathy in the workplace after a pet dies. I experienced this firsthand when I worked at, of all places, a dog bakery. After an entire summer of covering my coworker’s shifts anytime they wanted to go to a concert or go on vacation, I begged for somebody to take …
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Interviewer Rejects Candidate After He Guesses The Salary Range Incorrectly

There’s something uniquely challenging about negotiating your salary for your first job out of college. Once you’ve worked a couple of years and feel more established, it’s much easier to stand your ground and say, «I won’t take your paltry offer!» When you’re fresh out of college, you are so desperate for a job that …
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Soulless Company Reprimands Employee for Being Thankful for Family Over Job

‘Twas the week for being thankful. Scores of Americans sat around big tables over big plates of food and shared the things for which they were most grateful. It’s a nice tradition, to put words to that warm fuzzy feeling, and to give credit where credit is due. We have to remind ourselves what’s worth …
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Teen Receives Absurd List of «Rules» On Her First Day of Work

Older people love to lecture teenagers about their laziness, but I think that couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there are always some bad apples who couldn’t care less about working hard at school, work, or extracurricular activities, but I would argue that more is expected of teens now than ever before. They have …
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Unsuspecting Worker Hired and Fired From a Job They Never Knew About

Starting a new job can be stressful. You’ve presumably gone through an arduous search for this position, sent in dozens of applications, and showed up for interviews. Selling yourself can be emotionally exhausting, not to mention send you in a spiral about your value and worth (if you’re anything like me). And when you finally …
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Boss Refuses to Give Hardworking Employee a Promotion Because of Uncharacteristically Negative Performance Review

Getting feedback from your superiors is one of the best ways to grow in a job. You might feel like you’re doing a good job and are doing everything right, but your boss might have a different idea of what success in your position looks like. Even if it’s hard to hear, getting harsh feedback …
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Movie Theater Makes Teen Work Exorbitant Hours For Thanksgiving Weekend, Her Parents Make Her Quit

If there’s one group that is easy to take advantage of in the workplace, it’s teenagers. Sure, there might be some pesky child labor laws keeping bosses from treating them like late 19th-century factory workers, but the ethos of that era often still rings true.  I remember the first day of my first job. I …
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Nightmare Jobs That Made Workers Throw in the Towel Mid Shift

Quitting a job is usually a long, premeditated (at least 2 weeks) process with steps to follow and goodbyes to say. We may daydream about walking out on a whim on a particularly stressful day, but the vast majority of us don’t actually do it. When I worked at a coffee shop and had to wake …
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