25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (April 28, 2024)

We’ve all made a typo every now and then. A little slip of the keyboard happens to the best of us. It probably happened to the best writers of history. We don’t think of Earnest Hemingway ever accidentally typing «hte» instead of «the» but he most definitely did. He just had editors who made sure …
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30 Typing Errors We Don’t Want Autocorrect To Fix

Remember the 5th grade spelling bee? I do. I was up to bat, and the pressure was on. The stage lights were beating on me, and sweat began to form on my brow. I looked out to the judge’s table to see Mrs. Appleby, my vicious language arts teacher, already scowling. She had it out …
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15+ Wild Typos That Truly Boggle the Mind

Literacy isn’t an easy skill to have, especially when it comes to the English language. Even the accomplished writer can get confused with all the dumb rules that it seems to have.  At the same time, many of us nowadays use text as one of our primary forms of communication. When most of us have …
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Nonsensical Typing Mishaps That Are as Amusing as They Are Strange

If you really think about it, typing is an accomplished skill. Most of us couldn’t muster up this kind of speed and coordination in other physical pursuits, yet we spend so much time attached to various keyboards these days that we’ve just got used to it. However, this doesn’t mean that we’re all perfect typists. …
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Amusing Thread Recounts Awkward Typos That Happened at Exactly the Wrong Time

There are many, many different ways to combine the twenty six letters of the alphabet and make up a new word. Why is it, then, that so many parts of our vocabulary look and sound so similar, while meaning completely different things? It’s bad enough when we trip over ourselves when talking, but it’s even …
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15+ People Who Failed Catastrophically At Using A Keyboard

Back when punching letters on a machine was a legitimate skill, typing used to be a respected career choice. It took real dedication and education to be able to string out sentences with accuracy and speed. Things couldn’t be more different now. Now that everyone and their dog has their own personal screen, standards have …
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20+ Times Keyboards Were Artistic Mediums Instead of Communication Devices

Yes, they’re infuriating, and yes, they can sometimes be hard to understand, but there’s something almost beautiful about the humble typo. The ways in which language can be mangled by clumsy fingers or overzealous autocorrect can be breathtaking in its unintentional creativity. It’s like some kind of postmodern poem. Best of all, though, is the …
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20+ Times Keyboards Were An Artistic Medium Instead Of A Communication Device

Yes they’re infuriating, and yes, they can sometimes be hard to understand, but there’s something almost beautiful about the humble typo. The ways in which language can be mangled by clumsy fingers or overzealous autocorrect can be breathtaking in its unintentional creativity. It’s like some kind of postmodern poem. Best of all, though, is the …
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25 Misspellings & Malapropisms That Led to Accidental Comedy

The English language is a rich and various beast. There are over a million English words and the language is ever-expanding, much like the universe. With all this damn vocabulary to keep track of, no one should be ashamed of falling victim to the occasional word blunder. In fact, misspellings, bad autocorrections and malapropisms can …
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30 Typos That Created Hilarious New Meanings

First of all, we’re not trying to roast anyone who’s bad at spelling—we all make mistakes or fall victim to cursed autocorrections. But the results of an overlooked typo or malapropism are often pretty hilarious. Subreddit r/BoneAppleTea is totally on top of capturing these comical instances of spelling mishaps, and we’ve grabbed a handful of …
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