Couple Cuts off the Bottoms of Their Shoes To Walk Barefoot in Public Incognito

I have never been a «barefoot» person unless you mean strawberry Barefoot wine that I drank while going batty from social isolation in the spring of 2021! I have lived in cities my entire adult life and feel no need to go out on the sidewalk and expose my epidermis to the elements any more than I already do. I don’t even like to sleep without socks on, which I know is a controversial opinion. 

If you live in the country and spend a lot of time outside, I understand why you might opt for going barefoot sometimes. But if you live in an unwalkable Ohio suburb where you only walk on concrete, I would question your choice to live a barefoot lifestyle. One TikToker recently went viral for cutting off the bottoms of her and her husband’s shoes so they could go barefoot incognito in a suburban Sephora. Oh, the humanity. 

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