Dry-Aged Memes For Those Who Enjoy Them

There’s this idea that sometimes goes around that everything needs to be fresh and new. But it’s simply untrue. There are many things that are actually better with a little age on them. Playing cards, for example. When they’re too slippery, they’re hard to shuffle, which makes the card game more difficult. Wine is a classic example, and a dry-aged steak is arguably better than any piece of fresh meat to come off of a cow. The best, most pungent, and most expensive cheese are the ones sitting in caves, lovingly tended to by an expert. The evidence shows: age makes almost everything better unless we’re talking metabolisms. That’s why we’re here to show some respect for memes that aren’t fresh off the presses. Memes you may have seen before and related to in the past. Let’s pour one out for the tried and true memes and formats that haven’t let us down yet.

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