Embarrassing Moments Of Wince-Inducing Cringe

We’ve all been stuck in an impossibly cringeworthy situation before, whether it’s of your own doing or someone else’s. Maybe, when you look back, you realize that super cool outfit from middle school actually looked horrible, or you uncover footage from your aspiring comedy career that reveals you weren’t ever all that funny to begin with. If you’re feeling down on yourself or like life has dealt you a raw deal, take comfort in the fact that you’re not one of these horribly cringe-worthy individuals. Whatever you’ve done wrong, it can’t be as awkward as having your mom take shirtless photos of you, or the Tumblr users roleplaying doctors using baby voices. Doctors should never use baby voices. We don’t even want to talk about the «boba tea» made of what appears to be pinto beans. The bit is not always worth the gross effort.

From horrifying social media posts to regret-filled pieces of «art,» we’re willing to bet these cringe pics will make you feel a hell of a lot better about yourself and your situation. 

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