From Work Culture to Marriage and Coparenting, Millennials are Proud of These 28 Generational Shifts

Millennials are embracing these 28 generational shifts that are changing the game. Work isn’t just about the usual 9-to-5 routine anymore – it’s got ping pong tables, Slack banter, and laid-back Fridays. Marriage? It’s taking a different route, with millennials making sure they’re a compatible match before saying «I do.» And guess what? The diamond industry isn’t as big a deal anymore either, apparently.

Coparenting has also shifted, with old-fashioned parenting styles and gender norms taking a backseat. These habits are becoming part of our daily lives, turning regular stuff into Insta-worthy moments, and the impact is trickling down to the next generations. Whether you agree with these changes or not is up for debate, but from work to family life, millennials are reshaping what the world of adulting looks like. 

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