Funny Frog Memes, Warts And All

I’m going to let you all in on a little secret; as a child, I was a frog girl. I’m not talking about your average run-of-the-mill frog girls that seem to be sprouting on top of lily pads constantly these days. I’m talking about a ride-or-die girlie of the ribbit experience. The only Webkinz I got were frog Webkinz. I had at least two baseball caps featuring the amphibian. The Rainforest Café mascot was my idol. I’m not messing around when it comes to frogs. 

It can be bittersweet when one of your favorite things suddenly becomes mainstream. I’ve noticed all the new frog fans since the animal blew up on TikTok. And to them, I say, welcome to the family. Frogs were not crafted by God to be gatekept, and I would never take the joy of these little green guys away from the next generation of froggie stans. 

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