Funny Sci-Fi Memes to Fit Your Needs (July 7, 2023)

What’s your favorite science fiction movie of all time? It’s a massive and incredibly influential pool to pick from, but I’m going with «Robocop» every day of the week. It’s campy, well done for its time, incredible satire, and it’s just so, so entertaining. Robocop is just iconic. Obviously, ignore how much the owners of the property morphed the character into the Saturday morning cartoon hero that the original movie lambasts. It’s the perfect sci-fi premise. A good, morally-sound man has not only his body, but his consciousness taken over by a mega-rich corporate conglomerate to be a vessel of further income. It doesn’t take itself too seriously, but it’s the perfect distillation of sci-fi dystopian tropes. 

All that to say, sci-fi is a fun, compelling genre. It gets too much flack for being «nerdy» and «childish» but science fiction media contains multitudes. Just watch an episode of «The Next Generation» and tell me there’s no message. That’s enough discussion. Here’s a haul of sci-fi memes and goofs that we’ve collected for you. Enjoy, nerds. 

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