‘Good luck with that’: Parents try grounding adult son who’s been paying rent since he was 16

I have a bone to pick. Maybe this is because most of my life, I’ve been a freeloader who hasn’t had to pay my own rent (shoutout to 17 years of being a child), but I don’t understand when parents charge their children rent. If a person is under 18, there is no world where they should be paying their parents to live in their home; it’s absolutely ludicrous. If the parents are majorly financially struggling and their adult child is a strain on their already limited resources, I could maybe see a reason to charge them rent. But if an adult child is attending college, running a business, and has a good head on their shoulders, I think it’s kind of ridiculous to make them pay to sleep in their childhood bedroom. You live at home to save money, not to hemorrhage it further. The parents of this bright young Redditor didn’t get that message. 

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