Guy Snaps at Recently Divorced Sister for ‘Sexualizing Every Interaction’

Redditor u/AnyWolf_134 recently hopped on r/AmItheAsshole to ask the sub whether he was in the wrong for snapping at his sister. She’d been staying with him and his husband after a recent divorce, and naturally had confided in her brother about why their marriage fell apart. Apparently it was because her ex-husband wasn’t having sex with her enough. Details about his sister’s relationship made OP uncomfortable, and it all came to a head when his sister made a sexualizing remark about OP and his husband sharing an innocently intimate moment. OP snapped at his sister and basically blamed her for her failed marriage.

The comment section was very torn about whether u/AnyWolf_134 was the a-hole or not. While some argued that he was too harsh in reaction to a crass joke, others were perturbed by OP’s sister’s comment about her brother and attitude toward her own marriage. Keep scrolling for the whole story.

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