‘Horrible for me to watch, but necessary for him to grow up’: Dad notices his son forgot his school project at home, intentionally doesn’t remind him

Sometimes in your childhood, your parents aren’t there to help you. If you forget your homework at home and your mom and dad work downtown an hour away from school, they probably won’t be able to run home and get it. Even when you have a stay-at-home mom, she might feel conflicted about driving to school and dropping off the lunch they left home. Her kid will go hungry if she doesn’t drop off the lunch. But at the same time, they probably won’t forget their lunch again. At least, that’s what a lot of parents think will happen.

There’s a huge difference between not bringing a project to school that a kid forgot and actively not reminding your kid to bring their project to school while you’re still at home, intentionally setting them up for failure. This dad did the latter and bragged about it, making him the Twitter villain of this past weekend.

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