Hotel Guest Demands VIP Service After She Messed Up Her Own Hotel Reservation, Gets Car Stolen Instead

As they say, ‘What goes around, comes around’. The way you treat those around you serves as a glimpse into the future because, eventually—perhaps not today or tomorrow—that is how you will also be treated. 

The story that follows is an excellent example of how Karma never lets us down. OP works as a front desk agent in a high-end hotel. She was working the morning shift this particular weekend when an entitled guest walked into the hotel. OP knew the woman would be trouble as soon as she set foot in the vicinity. Even with her years of experience, OP, however, could never have predicted such a drastic turn of events. As I mentioned earlier, for every negative deed you carry out, the universe will find a way to get even and settle the score. 

So, if you’re interested in learning what the entitled hotel guest did, how the universe settled the score, and, well, how OP fits into all of this, simply scroll down and read the story below! And when you’re done, read the story about the woman who schools competitive sister-in-law after she takes it one step too far!

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