‘I sentence you to eating without YouTube’: The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (December 19, 2023)

Call me old-fashioned, but I really don’t enjoy the process of filming myself. I can just about cope with the occasional selfie, but you won’t find me whacking out the front camera to give an extended dialogue any time soon. I get self-conscious in a Zoom meeting, for God’s sake. Who knows what it would do to my brain if I vlogged my every thought. 

I feel like this is a point on which most people are inclined to agree with me, but we’re diminishing in numbers. It becoming more and more common to video ourselves speaking on any given topic, at least if we’re enamored with TikTok. The plus side of all this is that it does give us some amusing moments, such as a few of the ones below. Maybe we should all know less about each other, but we may as well enjoy the the chaos while it reigns. 

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