‘Imma try to see it through’: Job Applicant Calls Out Misleading Interview Experience After Walking Out

Even in a best case scenario, a job interview is a stressful experience. You have to be switched on with a rolodex of snappy answers about how employable you are until wherever you’re interviewing eventually puts you out of your misery.

It is something that few people find enjoyable, and it is even worse when things don’t turn out as expected. I’m not just talking about that curveball question that you don’t quite know how to answer — some companies bamboozle and mislead on a whole different level.

This was something that one unfortunate TikToker recently experienced after applying to what looked like a job with reasonable credentials. After arriving to the interview, he soon realized that the whole thing was a group affair that none of the applicants had been told about. It only got worse from there.

Naturally, viewers sympathized with the annoying situation. Walking out of an interview might seem dramatic, but it was totally justified here. 

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