Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (September 15, 2023)

Every time an introvert attends a social event, they need at least 3-5 business weeks to recover their social battery. It’s not our fault, it’s simply in our DNA to reject over-socializing. Like a flower tilts its head to the sun, an introvert shies from the blinding light, preferring to retreat into the peaceful solitude of their couch. When faced with a tough decision on a Friday night, introverted people need to ask themselves a very telling question. Do I even want to leave my house?

Usually we’d much rather sink into some cushions and chill with wine and our favorite show. It’s quiet, there’s no chitter-chatter, and the true crime documentary we just started is starting to get juicy. So for fellow introverts who have a long list of excuses to use whenever they’re invited to a social event, I salute you from an unapproachable distance. Hold your ground against the extroverted pleas to hang and instead, scroll these relatable introvert memes. 

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