Hosting a party can be a barrel of fun. It can also be immensely stressful. You’re in charge of everyone else having a good time, which can be a lot of emotional weight to take on. You want everyone to be stimulated, chatting, dancing (if it’s that kind of party), and perhaps most importantly, satiated by the right food and beverages.
I take great pride in my drink menus when I’m hosting. I love mixology and will have some bespoke cocktails batched and ready, and I always make sure to have a non-alcoholic version as well. But hey, I’m not a full bar. I keep things stocked but I’m not here to fulfill everyone’s needs. After all, I’m doing it out of the goodness of my heart. But usually, people aren’t that picky, they’re just happy to be there, unlike the subject of a recent Reddit post that made the rounds for being a little too particular.