Lawyer boyfriend asks girlfriend for €30k for mother’s failing business after she refuses initial ask of €60k: ‘The cafe (and his mom) is a money pit’

Asking for money is an incredibly difficult task. Nobody enjoys doing it. We all wish we could live in a world where whatever we want falls into our lap and whenever we need money it magically appears in our bank accounts. Think about how much happier we’d all be. There would probably be no war, less family drama, and a general sense of rainbows and unicorns. But that’s unfortunately not the world that we were born into. Nor will it be for the foreseeable future (you never know, maybe they’ll solve everything and we’ll all be happy). 

But for now, we will struggle with money and get wrapped up in other people’s struggle for money. That includes the people with whom we’re romantically entangled. There’s no easy way to do that. Combining finances is a complex alchemy with so much room for error. That’s exactly the situation this woman found herself in when her partner asked her for money. Read on for the details. 

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