Longsuffering Parenting Memes That Capture The Agony And Ecstasy Of Having Kids

There are plenty of people on this earth who feel like there is no greater gift in life than having children. These people clearly have not spent more than a couple of hours at a time dealing with kids. Parenting is one of the most exhausting undertakings that you could ever commit to, especially because you’re in it for the long haul.

Of course, it’s not all bad. There is plenty of pleasure to be had in watching somebody grow up in real time, and they can be very cute. However, this doesn’t cancel out the many frustrating moments that come from having a small human almost entirely dependent on you, and not hesitant to let you know about it.

While reproducing and/or raising kids isn’t what everyone is born to do, we’ve got to show some appreciation for those who make the effort in doing it. That, or give them the outlet of dumb humor.


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