Memes For Chronic Procrastinators

Procrastination is such an annoying problem because it’s so easily solvable. I rarely procrastinate doing big and important things. If something truly needs to get done, I will finish it come hell or high water. I will wake up at 5 AM to finish a task because I’m not a girly who misses deadlines. The issue is with things that have no concrete deadline. I’m always putting off doing the easiest things in the world. Scheduling a dentist appointment and going to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get a new license has been the bane of my existence for the past year. So help me, God, I’m going to do them by the end of the summer. 

If you’re procrastinating at this very moment, there is no need to fear. You don’t need to buy or text your friend back that plane ticket. All you need is funny and random memes

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