Memes That You Should Look at Right Now

I’m usually not super susceptible to peer pressure. However, I’ve recently fallen down a hole that I’m happy to stay in, and that’s TV show recommendation peer pressure. I was hanging out with my friends this Friday, and they talked about the HBO series Girls. The conversation lasted so long, and I got so frustrated with my inability to participate that I watched the entire first season of Girls this weekend. It’s actually pretty good! Who knew that a critically acclaimed show that everybody is rewatching right now actually had merit? 

I have such a difficult time watching TV because I usually don’t like new shows that much. I can’t stand the thought of wasting my life watching hours and hours of a mediocre program. I’m quite lucky that my college friends haven’t kicked me off of their Max account so I can be on the pulse of resurging cultural conversation only HBO shows could inspire. Thank you, peer pressure and peer support!

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