Memes to Gulp Down With the Morning Coffee

The beginning of the day often seems to be the greatest indicator of how the rest of it will go. At least, it certainly feels that way if it starts off badly. There’s a reason that getting out of the wrong side of bed is such a well-known phenomenon, and that’s because getting a knock to our pride or confidence when we’re barely awake yet is a surefire way to keep us from reaching our full potential.

It’s no wonder that the Type A personalities among us place so much emphasis on having a structured morning routine. There’s no denying that the feeling of fitting in a workout, a nutritious breakfast, and a few important emails before 9am is an amazingly smug feeling. Not everything in the perfect morning has to be virtuous, though. We have to make some time for pleasure, and a list of memes does just that. Let’s make this a decent Wednesday.

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