Memes to Look at That Beat the Alternative

It’s such a privilege to have you here. There are so many things that you could be doing in the world apart from scrolling through random meme lists on our humble page, yet here you are. It might be that you only decided to be here because you were avoiding doing something more useful, or you’re on hour five of an all night internet rabbit hole that is only going to lead to sleep deprivation and regret. Nonetheless, we’re still glad of your visit. It keeps us busy, finding dumb bits and pieces and presenting it in a way that is just about digestible enough to keep you coming back. As a famous meme once said, it ain’t much, but it’s honest work. Somebody’s got to provide the people with lowbrow entertainment, and we’re here to take up the challenge by scouring online for endless amounts of memes like these. 

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