Merry Memes to Help You Gleefully Count Down the Days Until Christmas

Ready for the New Year’s Eve countdown? Yeah, same. The end of the year for me always brings a bit of a slump. I feel like my current mood on pretty much anything ranges between ‘I don’t know’ to ‘I don’t care’. 

Did you know that Spotify Wrapped collects its data only until the end of October, and then anything you listen to in November and December doesn’t count for anything? That is kind of how I feel about these last two months of the year. A general feeling of indifference. Then the new year comes along and suddenly it is this «new year new me» vibe that gets me going again.

While I wait for this vibe to kick in, I invite you to scroll down for some funny memes that best describe that end-of-the-year mood. May they bring you joy and cheer in these times. And when you are done, you can click here for some witty memes for all book lovers and worms out there.

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