Millennials Share the Things About Them That Gen Z Find Uncool

All the millennials out there, you’ve had a good run. I must admit that as somebody born in a generational borderline year, I’m more inclined to side with Gen Z (while trying to turn a blind eye to some of their cringier behaviors). 

The reason? So many millennial stereotypes are just so damn uncool. Not that I can make any claim to coolness, but I kinda want to keep up with times in a way that skinny jeans and conversations about doggos just can’t. This has been painfully proven in a recent Twitter thread, in which millennials were asked to list all the things that Gen Z can’t help but make fun of them about. 

If any of these examples happen to make you feel down, look on the bright side: it’s only another few years before Gen Alpha start mercilessly teasing the generation that came before them. Plus, some of these things will come back into fashion someday.

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