‘No food for you!’: Clever Lunch Lady Settles Score With P.E Teacher That Forced Students To Run Cross Country on Hottest Day of The Year

One should carefully weigh all the elements involved before engaging in a fight or any kind of dispute. Put another way, it is essential that you study your rivals and determine the benefits and drawbacks of each strategy so that you can outwit and outmaneuver them before they know it.

The story that unfolds is that of a frustrated mother. The Original Poster (OP) is the child of the woman featured in the story below. The plot is first set in the early 1980s in what is commonly referred to as the ‘Down Under’. His mother, a former hospital employee, helps out in the school cafeteria. On this specific day, the mother was at the school preparing lunches when she spotted students with bright red faces and gasping for air. At first, she was surprised and couldn’t figure out why they were so disheveled, but then she realized that the P.E. teacher picked that day to have them run a cross-country.  Basically, the teacher informed the class that in order to complete the course, they would need to run a little over three miles on one of the warmest days of the year…

That being said, be sure to read the story below if you’re interested in learning how OP’s mother got even with the P.E. teacher! And when you’re finished, don’t forget to embark on a legendary laughing spree with these 27 iconic memes!

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