People Discuss Totally Overblown Outrages Over a Celebrity

Accountability is important. Public figures are influential and their actions may be, by intent or not, replicated by fans and followers. That’s a heavy burden to bear, but there’s a large sect of our population that follows and emulates famous people. Like it or not, it’s the unfortunate reality of fame. So when a particularly famous person makes a dubious moral decision, it might be best that their general audience doesn’t follow. That’s just common knowledge. Don’t be subjectable to negative behavior, even if you look up to the person.

Celebrity outrages are often warranted to at least some extent. Problematic behavior needs to be nipped in the bud. Even celebrities need to learn that certain behaviors aren’t acceptable. As previously said, accountability is incredibly important for popular public figures. But what about when the outrage isn’t really warranted?

Reddit user /u/vantae-bts posed this very question in an Askreddit thread, «Reddit, what outrage over a celebrity was way overblown?» I’m sure we can all recall at least one example of when the aggression wasn’t necessarily warranted. Let’s take a look at how people have responded. 

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